Shown below are a selection of paintings by Hai Shuet Yeung. Simply click on the image to go to the relevant sections of the site.

The World's Longest Painting, "Culture 5000"
Culture 5000 the Worlds Longest Painting

Culture 5000 is the world's longest painting, measuring 201.5 metres long and 1.5 metres wide. Painted on a single unbroken roll of water colour paper between 3rd March and 6th November 1998 it depicts 5,339 carp. Hai Shuet Yeung painted the whole of the world's longest painting, and this site is the only place you can see it all in one image.

New Chinese Landscapes
New Chinese Landscapes

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Abstract Landscapes
Abstract Landscapes

Abstract in Motion

Culture 5000 Limited Edition Prints
Limited Edition Prints
Landscape Paintings
Landscape Paintings
Prawn Paintings
Prawn Paintings
Koi Paintings
Koi Carp Paintings
Hai Shuet Yeung, Innovation in Abstraction.
Hai Shuet Yeung Innovation in abstraction